The Nine Planes of Parsnip: The Realms that See Light: The Sisterhood of the Scar

There are Those Who Can't Forget What Was Wished For and Failed

I am mindful of the power of What Was Wished For and the effect that the Process of the Parsnip has upon those who come here with pain-filled hearts. The Sisterhood of the Scar, a.k.a Those Who Once Wished For and Must Do So Again, now fills the void left in the hearts of the Unwilling upon their entry into the Nine Planes, and provides a measure of solace to their tortured souls.

Formed exclusively of machsochistic matriarchs, the Sisterhood was founded by two of the first four souls to witness the mysterious "visions" of the Window Of Scars. Their names were Agnus and Angus, and their visages were horrible to behold (due to the deep rivulets worn into their faces by tears of rejection and loathing at the vegetation that THEN surrounded them).

For countless hours they had wandered the Realms, seeking a Way Out, though all that Know knew there was no such thing. Ever gazing upwards, as their necks had been trained by countless years of cloth-bound servitude to one Gawd or an Other (for what else could it be?) in the Realms Upon the Skin, the sisters wept and wept, tore and tore, dropping gobs of hair upon the ground wherever they went. And then, one day, the miserable matriarchs were stopped dead in their tracks by the cresting of a hill and at what they saw above them. It was a nose. A grand, hollow, glowering nose attached to the face of some sort of Gawd or another, peering through this thin spot in the Dome above them. Fired by Hope, filled with doubtless daunt, the two stood and stared at the Mighty Nose until it faded into the distance, only to be replaced (two days later) by a Mighty (Gawdly) Thumb.

Soon after these majestic events, the Sisters erected a shrine (constructed entirely of sod, stick and stone) on the top of the hill and dedicated it to what they wished for. Since that time, the Sisterhood of the Scar (named after the Window of Scars under which their shrine stands) has grown in number, granting membership to those who are unwilling to proceed and would rather tarry in the Realms. It is a sad Truth that these Hope-filled starers are unlikely to complete the Process so long as their temple stands...

© 2001 by The Brainmole , Curator of the Forbidden Parsnip and Traveler of the Nine Planes