The Nine Planes of Parsnip: Glossary of the Indescribables

Do not ask! Feel.

Where things be said that cannot be known
for the saying rings a forbidden tone.

The Great Glossary:

Escapee Five:
Elanzo, Arturo, Alke, Gordo and Gripe. For more details, reference the Attempted Escape of Way Back When.
That which every sould feels, in life and in death; the desire to be elsewhere or elsewhen at times that seem most inappropriate, though, ultimately, prove to be quite right.
More Than This:
The very essence of Life; that which turns all flowers towards the sun and all hearts to the east. Never forget that there be more. Never...
Outer World:
From whence you came.
Process of the Parsnip:
The slow, kind shift from Being to Been via the Taproot of Eternity.
Realms Below:
Any of the Nine Planes of Parsnip that remain untravelled.
Realms Upon the Skin:
Another name for the uppermost reaches of the Forbidden Parsnip, i.e. those regions described as The Realms that See Light . Regions described as such are, in a singularly geographical way, "On the Edge", or "Liminal, like Citrus." I knew this would clear things up! BRAVO!
Searing Soot:
An intersellar nebula reminiscent of an umbrella pine in shape. Previously known only to the astronimical community of the Dome, but ultimately achieving great notoriety upon the appearance of a previously unseen constellation within its depths.
The Unwilling:
Those that fear, even hate, compost (though they claim to be in love with the Earth).
Those Who Once Wished For and Must Do So Again:
A lesser-known (though far more accurate) name for the sad Sisterhood of the Scar.
The imperfect (past) tense of the verb "To Be", otherwise known as "Sum", which we all one way or another..
What Has Gone Before:
The things that were once but are now no longer. Some find strength in knowing, others find salvation through learning.
What Might Have Been:
Instances wherein hope was wasted and faith proved empty, though not all such points required either.
What Really Should Be Said:
Submissions welcome; this case may never close.
What Was Wished For:
There are those things that many have desired, regarldess of the madness such desire brought. In regards to the Un-Being DESIRES of Humankind, this be the THING they create from Hope (minus Faith), Fear and a few shades of Utter Loneliness.

© 2001 by The Brainmole , Curator of the Forbidden Parsnip and Traveler of the Nine Planes