The Nine Planes of Parsnip: The Realms that See Light: The Dome: The Blazing Beet

Descent into the Depth. Here Be Elves, Though Dark Ones.

It blazed and burned quite readily
And all that through it went
Were consumed in eye, though not in soul,
Their lives already spent.
Fear Not the Wrath of the Gods! Here be FIRE!

See you there? Notice how the air swirls above us like a dye tub sprung free at its base? Look to the earth below; THERE, in the distance!

Ah! The glory that is color, the life that is light! I am happy again, for we have come at last to the core of this hinterland, this circumcised tip of the Forbidden Parsnip! Below lies the Blazing Beet, and through it's majestic fire we shall journey, at last entering the first of the Nine Planes of Parsnip! Be joyous, be brave! The spirit is upon me!


The Tiers
  1. The Crown of Tongues
  2. Rumble Strip One
  3. Soul Bake
  4. The Straining
The Phase
  1. Zone Alarm Zero
  2. Mottling
  3. Space Grows Short
  4. The Kink
  5. Purity of Form
© 2001 by The Brainmole, Curator of the Forbidden Parsnip and Traveler of the Nine Planes